Anchorage, Alaska — To help wild salmon lovers kick off the holiday season healthfully and with style, the commercial fishermen of Bristol Bay, Alaska are inviting consumers to try Bristol Bay sockeye salmon this holiday season with five simple recipes, each of which uses a different product form of wild and sustainable Bristol Bay sockeye salmon. The recipes are featured with photos on the Bristol Bay sockeye website,
Rich in protein, Vitamin D and Omega 3 fatty acids, Bristol Bay sockeye is readily available in a variety of convenient forms (canned, flash-frozen, caviar, smoked, and individually packaged) and hails from some of the most pristine waterways left on earth. Easily digestible and quick to prepare, Bristol Bay sockeye is an excellent choice for family and guests of all ages.
With hectic schedules in mind, these five new recipes can all be made in less than thirty minutes. Two of the recipes require NO cooking at all, while one is particularly suitable for small children. One celebrates the season by highlighting Bristol Bay sockeye caviar. Another presents a healthy refreshing dinner for two. The recipes are as follows:
The Bristol Bay Smoked Sockeye Platter—a lineup of tips for crafting a great party platter using cold and hot smoked salmon.
Super Quick Party Sliders—a quick versatile recipe for sliders that appeal to food lovers of all ages.
Sockeye Caviar Canapes—inspired by an old recipe from Gourmet Magazine (circa 1950), this canapé celebrates with affordable, domestic, and sustainable Bristol Bay sockeye caviar.
Harvest Salmon Chowder-canned sockeye salmon is used with great success in this warming chowder recipe. The tried and true recipe hails from the wife of a Bristol Bay fisherman!
Seared Salmon with Orange Sesame Vinaigrette- flash frozen fillets are used to create a refreshing spa-inspired dinner for two.
Each of the recipes can be found on the Bristol Bay sockeye website and each features a custom photo. All interested media may feature the recipes by crediting the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association.
Message Sponsored By The Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BB-RSDA)
The commercial driftnet fleet of Bristol Bay is represented by the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BB-RSDA). The BB-RSDA's mission is to raise the value of sockeye harvested in the Bristol Bay region. For additional information on Bristol Bay and the fishermen who harvest there, please visit the official BB-RSDA website at
Source: Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association