The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has published amendments to the fish import inspection fees in Part 16 of the CFIA Fees Notice to introduce a single fee for all fish products. This single fee applies to all regulated parties who have a license under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.
Consultations with stakeholders took place in Spring and Summer 2024, and no concerns were raised. These changes will not impact the service delivery to importers but will lower the cost for most businesses that import fish and seafood into Canada.
Beyond amendments to Part 16, the CFIA is also amending all table headers to increase clarity and is removing obsolete fees for services that the CFIA no longer delivers.
The amendments are part of a broader cost recovery modernization initiative that aims, among other objectives, to align the CFIA Fees Notice with modernized regulations such as the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.
For more information on these and other recent amendments to the CFIA Fees Notice, please consult the Canada Gazette, Part I publication.
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