BP Gets Stricter With Claims

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — BP is becoming increasingly stringent with its demands for documentation from victims filing claims for lost wages and income in the Gulf region.

As a result of the tightened standards, some claimants could get more money than the standardized industry check they have been receiving while others could get less.

And those claimants that are already in the claims system but have yet to submit the necessary documentation will get a $1,000 "good faith" check for July as they continue to gather papers, but they will not get full payment until proper documentation has been submitted.

Once a claimant submits the necessary documents, if they show that the victim is due more than the $1,000 advance payment for July, BP said it will provide a supplemental payment to make up the difference.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: CNN.

Photo by Joe Raedle, Getty Images