BAP Spotlight Stories were created as way to highlight BAP-certified producers around the world and the stories of the people behind them. To be featured in spotlight story, reach out to us at bapinfo@bapcertification.org. The following questions were answered by Ismail Aksoy, CEO of Luckyfish Co.
BAP: What inspired you to become involved in the seafood industry?
Luckyfish: This industry has always had a positive impact on me. I am a member of a fishermen family. Our family has been in the fisheries business since mid-1800s. My grandfathers were both captains, as was my father. Our fishermen story started in the Black Sea area where my family is originally from. Before starting our aquaculture business, my family used to own fishing vessels and fished in the Black, Aegean and Mediterranean seas. After having success in the aquaculture industry, we gradually quit fishing and focused on our aquaculture business.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Global Aquaculture Alliance