Best Aquaculture Practices Program Certifies First Salmon Farm

Best Aquaculture Practices has further advanced as the leading international certification program for aquaculture by certifying its first salmon farm.

Mainstream Canada's Brent Island farm near Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada, was audited in October and received its formal BAP certification notification Dec. 12.

"The Global Aquaculture Alliance proudly congratulates Mainstream Canada for leading the industry in achieving the first BAP salmon farm certification," Global Aquaculture Alliance President George Chamberlain said. "This prestigious accomplishment culminates a three-year development process for the standards that involved dedicated NGOs, academics and industry representatives working together to develop consensus-based salmon standards that benefit the community, the environment and consumers."

"By meeting the BAP standards, we are proving our commitment to find ways to constantly improve our operations as part of our sustainability principles," Mainstream Canada Managing Director Fernando Villarroel said. "Our vision as part of the Cermaq Group is to be a global leader in the aquaculture industry, and we are committed to creating value through sustainable aquaculture."

Mainstream Canada is one of the largest salmon-farming operations in British Columbia, Canada. The company currently operates three sites near Campbell River, including the Brent Island site. It also has eight sites near Port McNeill and 14 sites near Tofino in Ahousaht First Nation territory under a comprehensive protocol agreement. The company produces approximately 25,000 metric tons of Atlantic salmon annually.

BAP certification is based on the international Best Aquaculture Practices standards developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance. For salmon and other major farmed species, BAP requires effective management of animal health, feed inputs, water quality and food safety. In a process that includes site inspections and in-depth audits, social responsibility and traceability are additional requirements.

About BAP

Best Aquaculture Practices is an international certification program developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance that is based on achievable, science-based and continuously improved global performance standards for the entire aquaculture supply chain — farms, hatcheries, processing plants and feed mills. BAP certification assures healthful foods produced through environmentally and socially responsible means. For more information on BAP, visit

Source: Global Aquaculture Alliance