Aquentium Offers Food-Safety Equipment Distributorships In Alaska

Perris, CA — January 18, 2010 — Aquentium, Inc. (OTCBB: AQNM) announced today that the company is now offering distributorships in the State of Alaska for its food safety equipment. The Aquentium complete line of commercial ozone equipment is an alternative to chemicals for disinfection of both air and water. In addition to purification of air and water, the Aquentium ozone equipment extends the shelf life of fresh food naturally without the use of chemicals. The use of ozone in the food industry is approved by the USDA and FDA and is also approved for organic certification.

With our ozone systems, we can extend the shelf life of fresh seafood, which means much higher operating profits for processors and grocery stores, stated Aquentium President Mark Taggatz.

Aquentium believes that they have better technology to combat e-coli, salmonella, listeria and other bacteria or viruses than what most companies are currently using. The Aquentium non-chemical sanitation equipment is designed for both cost savings and improved safety standards for food and beverage processors, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and schools.

The uniqueness of the Aquentium equipment is that ozone is over 50% more effective than chemicals and over 3,000 times faster acting than chemicals. Ozone is generated from oxygen and is non-toxic.

Industries that the Aquentium non-chemical sanitation equipment can be utilized include:

Commercial Office Buildings
Healthcare Facilities
Grocery Stores
Food Processing
Beverage Processing
Entertainment Venues
Waste Water

How Ozone Destroys Pathogens

Ozone eliminates or reduces pathogens by destroying the cell wall. Pathogens cannot develop resistance to ozone as they can to antibiotics, so there is no danger of developing superbugs through the use of ozone.

Why Ozone

Ozone is the strongest disinfectant available, and is more than 3,100 times faster than chlorine in killing bacteria.

Ozone air treatment applications eliminates odors.

Ozone disinfection produces no harmful by-products. In contrast, chlorine disinfection creates carcinogenic by-products.

Ozone dissolved in water completely reverts to regular oxygen within 20 minutes, so there is no residue. For this reason, disinfection must always be accomplished with ozone water fresh from the tap.

Ozone dissolved in water is completely safe and rinsing your hands in ozone water will sanitize better than using any chemicals or soap and water.

Ozone is created instantly by the Aquentium disinfection system, so there are no more chemical sanitizers to buy.

Ozone also works best in cold water, reducing energy costs for heating water.

The goal at Aquentium is to eliminate chemicals and hot water during the sanitation process. A further goal is to help prevent contamination of food. With the Aquentium non-chemical process, we can extend the shelf life of food products which means higher profits for processors and less waste for the consumer. Ozone is also safer for the workers since there are no chemicals to handle.

Source: Aquentium