Albion Fisheries Pledges To Make 'Impactful Change' In Seafood Industry

It’s one thing for a company to steer clear of environmental harm. It’s another to do something to help.

Richmond-based Albion Fisheries has joined with several other North American seafood suppliers to create Sea Pact, a coalition that will fund and support projects aimed at improving the environmental sustainability of fishing and fish farms.

Formed this summer after a two-year process, the group of six like-minded companies will pool resources and knowledge to promote fisheries and aquaculture improvements. Sea Pact is pledging to sponsor projects that would likely be too large in scope for a single company to support.

Sea Pact is a way for suppliers to support an industry that has faced criticism for fishing practices—and ensure the longevity of an important protein source.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Richmond Review