'12 Maine Lobster Catch Increases By 18 Million Pounds, But Price Continues Decline

ELLSWORTH, Maine — Maine had another record year for lobster landings in 2012, according to state officials.

The price they received for their catch, however, is an entirely different matter. According to Maine Department of Marine Resources estimates, the average annual price fishermen received for their catch in 2012 was the lowest it has been in 18 years.

In 2011, the overall statewide volume of lobster landings in Maine topped 100 million pounds for the first time ever, with a total catch volume of nearly 105 million pounds. The preliminary estimate for a statewide landings total in 2012 is 123.3 million pounds, which represents an increase of more than 18 million pounds over the prior year.

The dockside value of the estimated 2012 landings is nearly $331 million, which is $3.7 million less than the $334.7 million value of the prior year’s landings, according to DMR officials.

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