When the first branches of Whole Foods’ new 365 Supermarket open later this year, shoppers will see more than just lower prices. The millennial-oriented chain is being positioned as a cheaper alternative to its older sibling, and Whole Foods is trying an unusual technique to attract shoppers: filling their new locations with tattoo shops, vegan restaurants, and hipster-y florists.
The chain is rolling out a project called Friends of 365, which is described in marketing materials as a "super cool hang" that also happens to grow businesses:
We're looking for innovative businesses like yours to set up shop inside our 365 stores (okay, in some cases, outside on the patio). By combining our strengths and yours—plus a whole horde of like-minded shoppers—we'll create that all-important synergy that grows businesses. We'll also have a super cool hang.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Fast Company