Unilever Food Solutions Announces Inspired Restaurant Makeover Contest Winner

Lisle, Ill. – Unilever Food Solutions North Americaannounced the winner in the company’s first-ever Inspired Restaurant Makeover Contest, an online-based competition asking small, independent restaurant operators across the country to demonstrate how Unilever Food Solutions’ enhanced service offerings would help their businesses grow. After scouring through hundreds of entries, the brand has selected as its winner Cynthia Krstich, manager of The Coach Sports Grille – formerly The Coachman restaurant – in Madison Heights, Mich., just outside of Detroit.

“In her entry, Krstich made it clear she and her team need to conduct business in a more structured way, thereby maximizing the benefits of service offerings like those of Unilever Food Solutions,” said Ted Skodol, director, Customer and Channel Marketing, Unilever Food Solutions North America. “Cynthia and her staff have a real passion to make The Coach Sports Grille the best it can be and that commitment serves as inspiration to us. With a solid foundation and Unilever Food Solutions’ services and professional ingredients, we can make a significant impact on The Coach Sports Grille’s business, and we’re looking forward to doing just that.”

Unilever Food Solutions is awarding Krstich and The Coach Sports Grille a prize package valued up to $100,000, which includes:

  • More than 100 hours of one-on-one consultation services from Unilever Food Solutions across the areas of “Your Guests,” “Your Menu” and “Your Kitchen,” including access to Unilever Food Solutions’ Certified Master Chef and Registered Dietitian
  • One-year supply of free Unilever Food Solutions professional ingredients
  • $5,000 in cash to invest in front-of-house/back-of-house improvements to the winner’s restaurant
  • Text Box: -MORE-An Inspirational Culinary Institute of America (CIA) Experience Weekend for up to four members of the winning restaurant’s team to attend the world-famous CIA to work with the Unilever Food Solutions Culinary Team and CIA instructors to improve the restaurant’s menu

Text Box: Unilever Food Solutions Inspired Restaurant Contest Winner, pp. 2The Coach Sports Grille is a local independent operation striving to give its guests the best possible restaurant experience at good prices, without compromising a clean, fun atmosphere. Krstich says she is elated to have won the first-ever Unilever Food Solution Inspired Restaurant Makeover Contest and explained that additional support will help her achieve many of her immediate and long-term goals.

“I was astounded when I found out we’d been selected as the winner of Unilever Food Solutions’ contest,” said Krstich. “My team and I work hard each and every day, and to be recognized by such a well-respected brand in the food service industry really means more to us than I could ever put into words. We’re eager to learn from some of the best folks in the business and we really can’t wait to see the restaurant transform right before our eyes!”

      The consultation services Krstich and her team at The Coach Sports Grille will receive from Unilever Food Solutions will span across the following three key areas and will be tailored specifically to the restaurant’s needs: “Your Guests,” “Your Menu” and “Your Kitchen.”

For more information about Unilever Food Solutions’ first-ever Inspired Restaurant Makeover Contest, as well as the brand’s products and enhanced service offerings, and to follow The Coach Sports Grille’s journey, please visit http://www.unileverfoodsolutions.us              

About Unilever Food Solutions North America

At Unilever Food Solutions, we help chefs all over the world serve tasty, wholesome meals that keep guests coming back for more. We create ingredients that save precious prep time in the kitchen, without compromising on flavor or flair. And constantly provide ideas and inspiration that keep your menu fresh and exciting. Our ingredients are some of the staples of professional kitchens in 74 countries around the world: Knorr®, Hellmann’s®, Lipton® and more. We’ve been in the foodservice industry since the 1880s. We have more than 300 chefs on staff around the world, so we understandthat critical balance between impressing your guests and making a profit. And how to keep your menus and recipes fresh and exciting, as times and tastes change.

Source: Unilever Food Solutions North America