U.S. Supermarkets Successfully Promotes Chilean Avocados

Aptos, Calif. (Dec. 1, 2009) With the close of 2009 bringing abundant, high-quality Chilean Hass avocados, U. S. retailers across the country are using the Chilean Avocado Importers Associations (CAIA) eye-catching, in-store promotional materials and comprehensive marketing program to drive increased sales in the produce department.

Our Chilean Hass avocado promotion has been an absolute home run for us as we garnered double digit sales increases, said Steve Williams, director of produce, Sweetbay Supermarket. The point-of-sale materials (POS) and consumer touch points were great, very creative. I am really proud of our produce managers, merchandisers and store managers because they creatively and effectively promoted Chilean avocados through beautiful in-store displays.

As part of the partnership with Sweetbay, CAIA conducted an avocado display contest. Approximately 90% of 104 stores participated with creative and elaborate displays. The winning displays were unrestricted, easily accessible and contained other items that complement avocados. Produce manager Mark Every was awarded the grand prizea cash prize and a special dinner with Food Network star Ingrid Hoffmann and top Sweetbay executives in Tampa, Fla., where he resides.

The 104-store chain, Sweetbay Supermarket, and other corporate and family-owned retailers across the country have implemented CAIA-produced POS materials in their produce departments. In fact, several CAIA consumer-focused campaigns have retail in-store signage components, allowing retailers to choose among them based on their customer demographic.

The importance of CAIAs relationship with retailers is two-fold, said Maggie Bezart, director of marketing, CAIA. Not only is it a very important cornerstone to CAIAs success in marketing efforts to effectively increase U.S.-based consumer demand and consumption of Hass Avocados from Chile, but it is also key for our retail partners to use our specially developed materials to generate increased sales of Chilean Hass avocados in their stores.

CAIAs Grab Some for the Game promotion targets sports fans and their families, while the Chilean Avocado Lovers Club campaign targets adults over 18 hoping to win one of 60 grand prizes of $250 in free groceries.