Chicago, Illinois – When the talent of over five hundred years of cumulative culinary experience assembles in one room at The French Pastry School of Kennedy-King College at City Colleges of Chicago, someone must be in for a treat. When that gathering lasts for two days moving from one Chicago institution to the next, it’s a sign that L’Académie Culinaire de France (The Culinary Academy of France, ACF) and Les Maîtres Cuisiniers de France (The Master Chefs of France, MCF) are in town for the annual conference of their North American Chapters.
The two French government organizations that seek to encourage excellence in both master chefs de cuisine and pâtissiers came to Chicago from all over North America and France to induct new members, award outstanding members of the culinary community, convene on organization business, and celebrate their camaraderie at some of the city’s best restaurants and favorite venues. The French Pastry School, whose faculty boasts four members of ACF, earned the honor of hosting the Congrès over two years of planning. Celebrations were held at well-known Windy City institutions that honor French culinary philosophy: Union League of Chicago, Chez Moi, NAHA, and La Sardine. Chicago, with its respect for both established traditions and new innovations, was the perfect backdrop for the assembly of these decades-old culinary associations.
Together, the ACF and MCF inducted over 20 new members into their ranks and gave special awards to prominent members of the culinary field. Among the honorees, was Deann Bayless, of Topolobampo who was named Dame de L’Année, Woman of the Year, by ACF. Consul General of France in Chicago, Graham Paul, who attended the Congrès, wrote, “Chicago, an international city open to all flavors of the world, is an excellent choice for the congress to take place in. Beyond its dynamism and its architectural beauty, Chicago is a city with many attractions where French culture in all its aspects, is very present.” The French Pastry School looks forward to passing on this attitude of international camaraderie to their students.
Source: The French Pastry School