Skuna Bay Presents The Craftsman Farmer Tour

Vancouver Island is sending its Craftsman Farmers on a National Tour to cities including Chicago, Miami, New York, Washington D.C., Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Los Angeles. With the support of Skuna Bay’s exclusive distributors at each destination, the Skuna Bay Craftsman Farmers will be visiting chefs and retailers across America. In addition to visiting restaurants and retail locations, salmon sampling receptions with guest speakers will be held in select destinations where consumers will get to meet the Farmers, listen to guest speakers and view the new Skuna Bay video series “What it Takes to Bring Skuna Bay Salmon to Market”.

 “We’re extremely proud to be representing Skuna Bay on the road and to have the opportunity to interact with the chefs who make decisions every day on what to serve their customers,” said Steve Munro, Skuna Bay Craftsman Farmer. “It is an opportunity to educate on the importance of raising salmon in its natural environment and to discuss everything from farm-to-table practices to seafood sustainability.”

The Craftsman Farmer tour will be held at Perennial Virant in Chicago (Nov 12, 2015), Sarabeth’s Park Avenue South in New York, Zaytinya in Washington D.C., Mignonette in Florida, Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA, and a North California venue for December to be announced separately. Special Guests include Farmer Lee Jones of The Chef’s Garden, Chef Joe Johnson of The Cecil Harlem, Brian Van Flandern of Creative Cocktail Consultants, Chef Michael Costa of Zaytinya, Dr. Jerry Schubel from the Aquarium of the Pacific, Kim Thompson of Seafood for the Future.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Skuna Bay Salmon