BOISE, Idaho — The Retailer Owned Food Distributors & Associates (ROFDA), the largest cooperative of independent food wholesalers, today expressed its support of product safety by endorsing the use of best-in-class recall process management technology from Recall InfoLink. The Recall InfoLink solution has been successfully deployed at ROFDA members Affiliated Foods of Amarillo, Associated Grocers-Baton Rouge, Olean Wholesale Grocers and Associated Grocers of the South. Other members are expected to implement the system later this year.
"Our members that have implemented the Recall InfoLink system report vastly improved recall execution, which helps them protect not only the brand reputations of their retail owners and supplier partners but more importantly the end consumer. The solution is comprehensive and easy to use, so our grocers can quickly and effectively remove potentially harmful product from the supply chain," said Francis Cameron, President & CEO of ROFDA.
Recall InfoLink offers a patented, web-based product recall management platform that protects brand image, reduces liability and brings value to all businesses involved in processing recalls. It improves efficiency by providing standardized messages, automated communications, inventory tracking and reports for compliance efforts.
"ROFDA, its members and their retailers are showing the dedication to shoppers and consumers by greatly enhancing their recall processes to keep them out of harms way. Recall InfoLink is committed to support all of ROFDA's extended constituencies with ever-improving processes to help ensure a safe supply chain," said Roger Hancock, President and Founder of Recall InfoLink.
About Retailer Owned Food Distributors & Associates (ROFDA)
In 1962, a few cooperative food distributors from around the southeast formed an organization known as the, "Southeastern Food Cooperative Association," (SFCA). Over the years, growth from outside the southeast occurred as cooperatives recognized the numerous advantages of participating in a cooperative only environment. Due to the new geographic locations of its members, and the changing demands of the retailer owned segment of the food industry, the name, Southeastern Food Cooperative Association, did not appropriately identify its members. So in 1988, a name change of the association was approved by its Board of Directors, and thus the new name, Retailer Owned Food Distributors & Associates (ROFDA), emerged. The mission of ROFDA is "Cooperatively united to utilize and leverage all available resources, industry best practices, and business relationships to provide added value to our Independent Retail Grocers."
About Recall InfoLink
Recall InfoLink, based in Boise, Idaho, offers a global, web-based product recall management platform that improves the recall process by ensuring accuracy and protecting brands. More information about Recall InfoLink can be found by visiting
Source: Recall InfoLink