Restaurants School Wait Staff On Menu’s Minutiae

Chris Greco walks into the front of the restaurant, takes one look at his boss — and the handouts he's holding — and stops.

“Can I grab a pen really quickly,” asks Greco, a bartender at Lilly's A Kentucky Bistro on Bardstown Road.

“You might want to,” replied Brad Jennings, the restaurant's general manager.

That's because tonight's pre-shift meeting includes a written quiz, something Jennings throws at his serving staff about once a month. It is one way to ensure that the staff stays up to date on the local farmers and foods that Lilly's is known for serving.

Knowing the nightly specials is no longer enough at many local, upscale restaurants, where the patrons are likely to be well-versed in the best-selling books of writers like Michael Pollan and apt to question servers about the tiniest specifics of how their food went from farm to table.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Courier-Journal (Louisville, KY).