Ontario Grocery Stores To Start Selling Beer As Province Loosens Ban

Some Ontario grocers, including Loblaw Cos. Ltd., will start stocking beer on their shelves on Tuesday as the province loosens its ban on supermarkets selling alcoholic drinks.

Still, other retailers that got the green light to carry six-packs of beer will not have the approvals they need by Tuesday. And Ontario has still not ironed out the wrinkles to allow grocers to sell wine.

Wal-Mart Canada Corp. is among retailers that will not be ready until the new year to stock beer as it follows a process set down by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, spokesman Alex Roberton said.

“We will announce locations in the coming months once permits have been issued and details are finalized, as required by LCBO’s process,” Mr. Roberton said.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Globe And Mail