North Carolina Ethnic Food Stores Offer Hard-To-Find Items

Spartanburg and the surrounding area is a hub of cultures.

Indicative of these international influences are the ethnic food stores throughout Spartanburg County.

Step into Sweet Co. off Highway 9, and the first thing you'll likely notice are the delectable treats in the display case.

Pavel Levchenko owns Sweet Co., which sells items from Russia, Germany, Poland, Israel, Bulgaria, Ukraine and elsewhere.

Pavel Levchenko owns Sweet Co., which sells items from Russia, Germany, Poland, Israel, Bulgaria, Ukraine and elsewhere.

Levchenko and his wife, Zoya, are from Ukraine, and moved to the United States in 1989, first settling in California. They lived there 13 years before moving to Spokane, Wash., and eventually settling here three years ago.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Spartanburg Magazine.

Photo by Tim Kimzey, Spartanburg Magazine