Why not?
Thanksgiving dinner in a restaurant was once something only people in John Cheever stories would do, those lonely souls who were cut off from their families or who had drunk away their fortunes.
Now everybody's doing it. Or at least a lot more people.
Kali's Court in Fells Point opened for Thanksgiving for the first time only last year. Customers would continually encourage Kali's to open for Thanksgiving, says Darrin Mislan, operations manager of Kali's Restaurant Group, but Kali's tradition was to throw a big Thanksgiving party for its employees, many of whom are from Greece and Mexico.
Last year, Mislan said, a call came from the theater hosting the touring production of "Mamma Mia": Would Kali's Court open for these gypsies? They did open, and not only did the cast show up but the restaurant's regulars too. Now, the employee party takes place right after Thanksgiving is served to paying guests, and Kali's Court is easily able to find willing employees from the other restaurants in its group to pick up this holiday shift.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, MD).