James Beard Foundation And Chef Cathy Whims Bring Sustainable Seafood Initiative To Oregon

In Washington in 2015, the James Beard Foundation launched Smart Catch, a program aimed at increasing the sustainability of the seafood supply chain, and today, the initiative is becoming available across the nation, with six-time James Beard award-nominee Cathy Whims (Nostrana, Oven and Shaker) leading the charge in Oregon on behalf of the Foundation.

In Washington, 118 restaurants have joined the cause. Perhaps Smart Catch will similarly catch on among Oregon restaurants, prompting the stronger relationship between Portland restaurants and the Oregon Coast many have longed for. "I know the person who raises my lamb. Why not my rockfish?” says Whims.

Firstly, Smart Catch lets consumers identify where sustainable seafood is sold: If you see the emblem in a restaurant window, you know its menu features more than 80-percent sustainable seafood. This comes at a time when the James Beard Foundation estimates “more than 90 percent of the world's fisheries are either fully fished of overfished.”

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Eater