Homer, AK Goes Plastic Bagless: New Law Now Enforced

Consumers in the habit of grabbing bags from home to fill up at the grocery store won’t feel much of a change, but folks expecting their plastic bags in the months ahead could be disappointed.

The new City of Homer bag ordinance fell into place the first day of the new year. It outlaws plastic bags, the white ones with handles on them, at local retail shops and grocery stores. Plastic produce bags are not part of the ban.

In the meantime, any plastic retail bag left in the supply closets can be used up. This means customers won’t see the handy – and environmentally unfriendly – carriers disappear altogether.

Safeway is handing out reminders placed as memos to the public in their grocery bags. It tells them of the Jan. 1 changeover, contending they will want to remember their reusable bags when heading out to shop.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Homer Tribune