Those coupons that used to be available from red dispensers on grocery store shelves and have moved more recently to offers printed at checkout, are increasingly moving to mobile phones. That’s courtesy of Catalina, a marketing company which helps retailers and grocery chains understand what individual customers want and then goes to work encouraging them to buy.
The challenge is staggering enough to make you wonder why anybody goes into the grocery business. All those long aisles with thousands of food and health products are widely ignored by shoppers who typically buy less than one percent of the Universal Product Codes (UPCs) in a grocery store.
Those weekly circulars that arrive in the paper, are mailed or are waiting for shoppers at the store don’t seem to help much, as Catalina’s year-long study of 32 million shoppers who spent over $55 billion across 9,968 U.S. grocery stores showed.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Forbes