FMI Presents 2025 FMItech Pitch Competition Finalists

Arlington, Va.— FMI—The Food Industry Association announces three finalists in the FMItech Pitch Competition. BadgeNoxuData, and Workrz will each have a chance to showcase their technology solutions to the food industry at the 2025 FMI Midwinter Executive Conference.

“The food industry continues to invest in technology business solutions. Food retailers alone spent more than $10 billion on technologies, including data analytics and AI, to improve efficiency and the customer experience,” said Doug Baker, vice president of industry relations for FMI. “Our FMItech Pitch Competition finalists offer game-changing business solutions addressing crucial issues facing the food industry—the evolving customer experience, technology and workforce.”

Finalists Details:

Badge’s no-code mobile wallet platform allows retailers to reach in-store customers with an app-like, personalized experience within the Apple, Google and Samsung Wallets without downloading an app or creating an online account.

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