Devanco Foods Facility Proposed For West Dundee, IL

A proposal to put a meat processing facility in West Dundee's Oakview Corporate Park has raised some concerns.

Devanco Foods would like to construct a new 74,200-square-foot office/warehouse/processing building on a 7.45 acre vacant lot in the southeast section of the business park. The proposed site plan also includes the potential for a future expansion that would add another 48,500-square-feet to the east of the building, according to village documents.

The property, owned by The Opus Group, is zoned for light industrial use.

Devanco Foods officials were before West Dundee's Planning and Zoning Commission Monday night to request a text amendment to the zoning code which would add "meat processing facilities" to the list of special uses that regulate the L-1 light industrial district, an amendment to the annexation agreement, and a special use permit.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Elgin Courier-News