Chefs Who Attended USPB Seminar Add Potato Items To Menu

Denver — Sixty-three percent of the chefs who attended last year’s Global Potato Innovation Seminar have either tested or added new potato items to their restaurant menus. The 10th annual seminar, sponsored by the United States Potato Board (USPB), was held at The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) Greystone, Napa Valley, CA, in late October 2014. The chefs in attendance represented more than 9,800 units. It’s inspiring to see how quickly these operations have adopted creative new menu dishes.

The chefs have introduced a wide variety of potato items. Wienerschnitzel, for example, added a new category and menu board for chili fries with various condiments, such as bacon ranch. Aramark is introducing a potato-filled empanada, and Garden Fresh is testing on-trend potato salads. Red Robin Gourmet Burger is testing a potato side to accompany a salmon entrée, and Fresh Grill is testing a new potato concept. Delta Airlines has also added a shrimp and avocado causa, made with mashed potatoes, to its menu options.

During this two-day seminar in California, the chefs learned about potato nutrition and participated in hands-on culinary sessions focused on global cuisines. USPB Board Member John Halverson, a potato grower and Black Gold Farms Executive from Arbyrd, MO, answered questions about potato farming and various potato types. Halverson currently serves on the USPB Executive Committee as Co-Chairman of the Domestic Marketing Committee.

For more information and to see photos from The Global Potato Innovation Seminar, please visit

The USPB is the nation’s potato marketing organization, positioned as the “catalyst for positive change,” and the central organizing force in implementing programs that will increase demand for potatoes. Please visit for more information. In an effort to enhance diversity of the Board, USDA encourages women, younger growers, minorities, and people with disabilities to seek positions on the board.


David Fairbourn is Manager, Industry Communications & Policy, at the United States Potato Board in Denver. The mission of the USPB is to increase demand for potatoes and potato products through an integrated promotion program, thereby providing U.S. producers with expanding markets for their production. David can be contacted at 303-369-7783 or For complete information about the programs, ROI results, resources and tools available to all members of the industry through the USPB, please visit The United States Potato Board—Maximizing Return on Grower Investment.

Source: United States Potato Board