Chef Mario Batali’s Restaurants Embrace Meatless Monday

NEW YORK, May 5 — Starting Monday and every Monday thereafter, chef Mario Batali adopts Meatless Monday in his renowned restaurants such as Babbo, Del Posto, Esca, Lupa, Carnevino Italian Steakhouse and Osteria Mozza.

"If anybody can entice meat lovers to enjoy their veggies as well, it's Batali!" says Sid Lerner, founder and chairman of Meatless Monday. "We're delighted that Maestro Mario is helping to move the movement."

Batali's 14 restaurants will feature at least two vegetarian entrees as part of his Meatless Monday promotion. These dishes will be designated on menus with his Meatless Monday logo. By advocating more plant-based meals, Mario not only joins a growing global movement, he sends a powerful message to other chefs and restauranteurs that we should all start the week right by eating our veggies.

"The fact is, most people in the U.S. eat way more meat than is good for them or the planet," maintains Batali. "Asking everyone to go vegetarian or vegan isn't a realistic or attainable goal. But we can focus on a more plant-based diet, and support the farmers who raise their animals humanely and sustainably. That's why I'm such a big believer in the Meatless Monday movement!"

Meatless Monday, a national nonprofit public health initiative, is all about incorporating more vegetables and less meat into our diet. It's about moderation, just one day a week, cutting down on meats high in saturated fat and increasing protein-rich plant-based foods – good for personal health and good for the planet.

Indeed Batali joins early adopters, political leaders and entertainment celebrities such as Michael Pollan, Al Gore, Sir Paul McCartney, Simon Cowell and Gwyneth Paltrow; the entire Baltimore Public School System, nearly 30 college campuses and 100 blogs; and 8 international programs popping up from Brazil to Taiwan.

With the recent active support of Manhattan Borough President, Scott Stringer, and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Meatless Monday is poised to enter more schools, restaurants, workplaces and homes around the country – highlighting how this simple action can make a huge positive difference, one Monday at a time.

Launched in 2003, Meatless Monday is an initiative of The Monday Campaigns, in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. By going meatless once a week, thus reducing our saturated fat intake, we can limit our risk of chronic preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and stroke. Additionally, we can decrease our carbon footprint and save precious resources like fresh water and fossil fuel.

Source: Meatless Monday