American Eating Habits Getting More Adventurous, Says Survey

According to a new poll by the Travel Channel, Americans might be getting more adventurous in their food habits. To coincide with the premiere of "Bizarre Foods America" on January 23 at 10:00pm ET/PT, the Travel Channel surveyed 2,292 U.S. adults about their penchant for bizarre foods. The results indicate that a good number of Americans are willing to embrace the weird, at least when it comes to grub.

When asked what they would serve at a Super Bowl party, one-third of respondents would serve muskrat chili and one-fifth would put a pig ear sandwich on the menu. Seventeen percent of hosts thought that possum fajitas sounded good for the game and 6% would serve lamb brains.

When asked to choose between a range of bizarre foods, smoked raccoon appealed to 39% of survey takers while 18% agreed to dine on guinea pig. Only one in 20 would have duck testicles or cow placenta (come on guys — we've had duck testicles before and they are totally fine!).

The poll also included a question on which celebrity would be most likely eat roadkill. Thirty-seven percent gave that "honor" to Charlie Sheen, with Ashton Kutcher taking second place (27%), Roseanne Barr taking third (20%) and Britney Spears taking fourth (4%). HuffPost Food has covered the issue of eating roadkill quite extensively and would like to state for the record that we would commend Sheen for dining on roadkill, provided that the animal is disease-free and safe to eat. Bon appetit!

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Huffington Post