Wisconsin Potatoes Offer Highest Nutrition For Every Penny

Antigo, WI – Did You Know Wisconsin is one of the largest potato-growing states in the nation? Its production amounts to 29 million hundred weight or 2.9 trillion lbs. of spuds on an annual basis according to Wisconsin Farm Facts 2014.

WPVGA Executive Director Duane Maatz says this statistic is no surprise given Wisconsin’s ideal soils. “Glacial soils in the Central Sands region of the state are very productive,” says Maatz. “Many soil types are found throughout Wisconsin. In the northern counties, our silt-loam has high contents of organic matter and natural nutrients. When silt and the right amount of clay combine, that’s a fantastic formula for successful potato and vegetable production,” he continues.

Called Antigo silt-loam, this soil serves as Wisconsin’s state soil and provides a strong foundation for much of agriculture’s success across the state according to Maatz.

And according to the United States Potato Board, potatoes are one of the vegetables that provide the most nutrients per penny. “Vegetables are important sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals in the diets of children,” according to the University of Washington’s study on www.potatogoodness.com. “Potatoes and beans were the lowest-cost sources of potassium and fiber.”

“With all the food choices that exist today, it’s important to focus on eating smart,” says Maatz. ”When people shop, they want the highest quality and affordability for each dollar they spend.

Potatoes are affordable and offer the highest nutrition for every penny. They are free of sodium, fat, cholesterol, and gluten. They’re also easy to prepare! It doesn’t get much better than that.”

So eat Wisconsin potatoes and reap the health benefits and versatility they offer naturally. For great recipe ideas, visit www.eatwisconsinpotatoes.com.

WPVGA is a non-profit organization that represents and promotes state potato and vegetable growers. We currently represent more than 300 members and affiliates. For more information on our commitment to sustainable agriculture, jobs and water use, visit www.wisconsinpotatoes.com.

Source: Wisconsin Potato & Vegetable Growers Association