Western Growers Responds To Supreme Court DAPA Ruling

IRVINE, Calif. — Statement by Western Growers President and CEO Tom Nassif in response to yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on the Obama Administration’s Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA) and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programs:

“We believe our nation’s immigration policies should be determined by the legislative branch of our federal government. We also recognize that Congress has abdicated its duty to reform our broken immigration system, which is why we understand the motivation of the Obama Administration. However, neither DAPA, DACA, nor any other Executive Order will adequately address the long-term immigration challenges facing our country.

“In light of this ruling, we urge the Administration and all members of Congress to reflect on their responsibilities to the American public and renew the immigration reform debate in earnest. Congress should bring forth a comprehensive immigration reform plan that considers agriculture’s unique needs. Any reform measure should include provisions granting legal status to existing farmworkers and one that creates a new, more workable and market-oriented visa program to ensure a future flow of labor.”

Source: Western Growers