Wenatchee, WA, USA – The Washington Apple Commission board elected Michael Roche as Chairman and David Douglas as Vice Chairman as the first order of business at the Commission board meeting on March 23, 2018. Outgoing Chair Cass Gebbers was thanked for his leadership and involvement in Commission activities over the past two years on the Executive Committee. Roche is a fourth-generation owner of Roche Fruit based in Yakima, Washington. Douglas is Co-President of Douglas Fruit, a family-owned and operated company located in Pasco, Washington. In addition, several commissioners were reelected for an additional 3-year term, including Frank Davis, Jim Thomas, David Douglas, Cass Gebbers, and Bob Mast.
The Washington Apple Commission is the international marketing arm of the Washington apple industry and conducts promotions in foreign markets to drive consumer demand for apples from Washington State, USA. Washington State accounts for over 90% of US apple exports, and the Washington Apple Commission provides promotional support to international retailers, wholesalers and importers with innovative marketing programs and activities to grow consumer awareness and brand loyalty.
For more information, please contact Rebecca Lyons, International Marketing Director, at rebecca.lyons@waapple.org, or 509-663-9600 x241.
Source: The Washington Apple Commission