Wanted: High Performing Managers And Executives Who 'Get' Their Value

With all due respect to the CEOs and presidents out there, our industry relies on mid-level managers to get our bread-and-butter business done.  So it makes sense to invest in developing those mid-level leaders’ skills, right? Well here’s the chance: the Center for Growing Talent by PMA’s (CGTbyPMA) annual High Performance Management Conference is coming up Sept. 19-22 in Chicago.

“Take it from the Wall Street Journal, mid-level managers are an essential layer in any company – they turn top-line strategy into day-to-day action,” said CGTbyPMA Executive Director Margi Prueitt, citing a recent article series. “Our unique leadership development program helps our industry to optimize these managers’ skills today, and to groom them for leadership in the future.”

The conference is an intense two and a half days filled with expert-led education, hands-on exercises to test newly-learned skills, and unparalleled networking with fellow attendees who hail from across the supply chain. Topics include macro trends affecting our industry, food safety and crisis management, horizontal and vertical management, team leadership and more.

“Every industry executive wants what this experience delivers: It encourages our mid-level managers to expand their thinking, and teaches them to tackle business challenges from a more strategic point of view,” said CGTbyPMA Board Chair-Elect Leonard Batti, president of Taylor Farms Florida, long-time produce industry executive and former executive search professional.

Knock-Out Speakers Slated

Speakers include knock-out (literally!) networking expert Michael Goldberg (who is also a boxer), Emmy award-winning journalist Bob McNaney, corporate trainer and best-selling author Dr. Andy Neillie, and Produce Marketing Association CEO Bryan Silbermann who is known for his annual State of the Industry trends addresses.

“If you are serious about developing as a leader or manager, I can’t think of a better place for you to invest three days,” said speaker Neillie. “The most important investment a leader can make is always in his or her own personal development. That’s why I’m excited to be returning again this September to the High Performance Management Conference.”

Employees and employers benefit

Company executives, need help understanding why you should train your mid-level leaders? At a minimum, consider wanting to be competitive in today’s fierce talent environment. The Society for Human Resource Management – the trade association for the HR industry – recently reported that 86 percent of employers now offer professional development opportunities.

Mid-level managers, need help making the case to your bosses for why you should attend?  Position the course as an investment, not an expense, counsels Prueitt.

“This was my first Center for Growing Talent by PMA program and I must say it was a great learning experience. I enjoyed the speakers and learned a lot that I can take back right away and apply,” said past attendee Justin Raffoul of Lakeside Produce.

CGTbyPMA has developed a guide to help identify the mid-level managers who are ready for this “stretch” leadership development opportunity. View the guide online at http://www.growingtalentbypma.org/hpmc9box.

Bayer CropScience is Presenting Sponsor of this year’s conference.

For more information and to register, or to review other sponsorship opportunities for this event, visit www.growingtalentbypma.org/HPMC. Register by July 29 and save. Register by August 29 if you will require a hotel reservation. PMA members receive significant savings.

About the Center for Growing Talent by PMA

Center for Growing Talent by PMA (CGTbyPMA) is a charitable organization created by the produce and floral industry to grow the people across our industry. We help attract, develop and retain the talent needed to feed our industry's growth, including educational programming and networking events. We offer a variety of industry-specific solutions across the career continuum, for university students, young professionals and women, emerging leaders, mid-level individuals and senior executives. Created in 2005, CGTbyPMA evolved from the PMA Foundation for Industry Talent to our new name and logo in 2016 to better describe what we do for the industry. For more information, visit GrowingTalentbyPMA.org.

About Produce Marketing Association (PMA)

Produce Marketing Association is the leading trade association representing companies from every segment of the global produce and floral supply chain. PMA helps members grow by providing connections that expand business opportunities and increase sales and consumption. For more information, visit www.pma.com.

Source: Produce Marketing Association (PMA)