LAKE MARY, Fla. — Village Farms Fresh Produce (“Village Farms Fresh”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Village Farms International (NASDAQ: VFF) is pleased to announce its partnership with Season 36 of Military Makeover by Montel Williams in support of a Texas-based U.S. Army veteran. Village Farms Fresh has a long and proud history of giving back to, and investing in, Texan communities and supporting local veterans.
Village Farms Fresh partnered with Military Makeover in the renovation of U.S. Army veteran Carlos Colón-Ruiz’s Arlington, Texas home. During Colón-Ruiz’s military career, he was deployed to Afghanistan where he suffered serious injuries in the line duty. He was awarded the prestigious Purple Heart by President George W. Bush and received an Infantry Badge and Army Commendations medal.
“Village Farms Fresh is privileged to partner with Military Makeover and Infantry Sergeant Colon-Ruiz, as a small gesture to acknowledge this outstanding veteran’s personal sacrifice. Our company has deep roots in Texas, and our team was deeply inspired to help with this surprise home renovation,” said Michael DeGiglio, President & CEO of Village Farms International, and a U.S. Navy veteran.
“It was an absolute pleasure working with Michael and his entire team at Village Farms Fresh. Their support of our show helps us provide these life changing makeovers for our deserving Veterans and we’re grateful to have had them on Military Makeover,” said Scott Moss, President & EVP of Programming for Military Makeover and BrandStar Entertainment.
Members of the Village Farms Fresh team, including two veterans, volunteered onsite to help with the renovation, in addition to the company’s financial support. Brandon Jamison, Director of Quality Assurance for the company and an Army veteran who served in Iraq, noted, “The military taught me a work ethic and a need for a sense of mission completion. Village Farms Fresh giving back to those that are deserving and have made sacrifices for our country is something I am proud to be a part of.”
During Episode 2, DeGiglio discusses Village Farms Fresh’s heritage as a long-standing continuously owned tomato greenhouse grower, as well as the largest tomato producer in the great state of Texas with show co-host Art Edmonds. The episode highlights a local chef cooking up a Texas style barbecue in the backyard of the veteran’s home featuring Village Fresh products. The link to view the episode is:
To learn more about Village Fresh and its products visit www.villagefarmfresh.com.
About Military Makeover with Montel®
A BrandStar Original, is America’s leading branded reality TV show that offers hope and a helping hand here on the home front to members of our military and their loved ones. A veteran of both the Marine Corps and the Navy, talk show legend and military advocate Montel Williams, who creatively co-produces the show along with a colorful cast that seeks to transform the homes and lives of military families across the country. The cast includes co-hosts Art Edmonds and designer Jennifer Bertrand. This special series enlists caring companies of all sizes as well as non-profits and the local community. Military Makeover airs on Lifetime® and on the American Forces Network which serves American servicemen and women, Department of Defense and other U.S. government civilians and their families stationed at bases overseas, as well as U.S. Navy ships at sea. Help starts at home for veterans on Military Makeover. Join us as our makeover team engages to change the living situation – and the lives – of these deserving families.
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About Village Farms Fresh
Village Farms Fresh is one of the largest growers, marketers, and distributors of premium-quality, greenhouse-grown fruits, and vegetables in North America. The food the company’s farmers grow are all harvested by hand from environmentally friendly, soil-less, glass greenhouses daily while utilizing the highest level of food safety standards available. The Village Farms Greenhouse Grown® brand of fruits and vegetables are marketed and distributed primarily to local retail grocers and dedicated fresh food distributors throughout the United States and Canada. Since its inception, Village Farms Fresh has been guided by sustainability principles that enable the company to grow food 365 days a year that not only feeds the growing population but is healthier for people and the planet. Village Farms is Good for the Earth® and good for you. Good for the Earth® and Garden Fresh Flavor® are not only taglines for the company but the value proposition Village Farms Fresh lives by. And this is why it Takes a Village® to deliver on this promise.