U.S.-headquartered berry business Agrovision is setting the standard for the next generation of innovative superfruit growers. The company’s vertical integration across growing, packing, shipping, marketing and selling gives global retail buyers direct access to new produce. The business is deploying innovative fruit breeding and growing technologies, and is driven by a mission and by values that leading retailers share and believe in.“The overwhelmingly positive consumer response to our product offering is opening new commercial opportunities” says Steve Magami, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman.
Through 2021 Agrovision shipped 30 million kilograms of its own berries, asparagus and premium varietals of grapes, representing a CAGR of over 200% over the last four years. Agrovision is already the third largest single grower and exporter of blueberries from Peru, with more than 70% of plantings in advanced and improved genetics, including the largest global production of the impressive new Sekoya® varietals. The company’s new showcase 100 hectare farm in Mexico is growing premium genetic raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry offerings for the North America market. A new variety trial centre is also planned for 2022 to exhibit and screen the company’s various exclusive and in-house breeding programs, specifically focusing on raspberry and blackberry development.
“With all the challenges of supply during the last 24 months, Agrovision’s strategy to entirely control our production, fruit allocation and supply chain has been critical to our success” says Magami. “Customers need that security more than ever and we are really excited by the response from retailers, with great interest to the improved flavor, firmness, and size of our product.”
Blueberry sales volumes will reach 40 million kg in 2023 and 50 million in 2024 with maturation of existing plantings. At such time, global sales, with plantings in process, will approach $500 million when over 80% of total production will come from state of the art and improved varieties. 500 hectares of high-tech production using the same premium genetics are also committed in Mexico, whilst multiple domestic farming ventures are already underway in North America and Europe, as well as Morocco, with strong local partners. “We are committed to our strategy of 52-week supply of a strong berry offering,” says Magami.