The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Marketing Service’s (AMS) Fruit and Vegetable Program and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s (USDOC), International Trade Administration (ITA) invite you to take part in a free, interactive webinar on the newly amended Tomato Suspension Agreement.
Fresh tomatoes imported from Mexico have been governed by suspension agreements since 1996. On March 4, 2013, a new Tomato Suspension Agreement went into effect. The agreement suspends the antidumping investigation into whether Mexican tomatoes were being sold into the U.S. market at less than fair value. Sign up for this webinar to learn about updates in the agreement’s coverage, terms, pricing, and enforcement.
Webinar speakers will provide information on four specific areas:
· Judith Rudman, USDOC, ITA, Director for Bilateral Agreements, will explain the history of the agreement as well as recent changes in terms.
· Brian Wright, USDA, AMS, Assistant Regional Director, PACA Division, will explain how the PACA has been brought into this agreement as well as how you can utilize its provisions for dispute resolution as well as unfair trade enforcement. He will also provide an overview of USDA Market News reporting on tomatoes.
Our speakers’ formal presentations will be followed by a real-time, interactive question and answer session.
This informative webinar is designed for tomato growers, selling agents, importers, packers, shippers, processors, and wholesalers. The webinar is free and available to anyone with Internet access. Registration is, however, required and space is limited.
Click Here to Register Today (
We will host similar webinars throughout the year. To view previous webinars online, visit ourWebinar Archive.
We’ll see you online! Register Today!
If you have any questions about our webinar series or USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service, please contact Christopher Purdy at (202) 720-3209 or
Source: USDA Agricultural Marketing Service