USDA Redistricts and Reapportions South Texas Onion Marketing Order

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is modifying the membership structure of the South Texas Onion Committee. This action consolidates the geographic districts under the marketing order from two to one and reapportions committee membership among producers and handlers.

The number of onion producers and handlers in South Texas has decreased significantly, which has created an imbalance in committee representation between the two districts. By consolidating and reapportioning its membership, the committee believes this will better reflect industry, provide equitable representation on the committee and create the opportunity for more producers and handlers to serve on the committee.

The final rule published in the Federal Register on August 2, 2024, and becomes effective September 3, 2024.

More information about the marketing order regulating the handling of South Texas Onions is available on the 959 South Texas Onions page on the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) website or by contacting the Market Development Division at (202) 720-8085.

Authorized by the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, marketing orders are industry-driven programs that help producers and handlers achieve marketing success by leveraging their own funds to design and execute programs that they would not be able to do individually. AMS provides oversight to fruit, vegetable and specialty crop marketing orders and agreements to ensure fiscal accountability and program integrity.