WASHINGTON, DC – The United Fresh Foundation, through its Center for Leadership Excellence, has launched its 2013 compensation survey for the fresh produce industry. The data collected will be published in an expansive research report that will assist produce industry employers in understanding critical compensation benchmarks.
The compensation survey, which was first released in 2011, has been updated based on input from the United Fresh Market Segment Boards, including the addition of three new positions, Regional Sales Manager, Marketing Manager, and Manager of Food Safety/Quality Assurance. Additional enhancements will include job descriptions, an expanded section on employee benefit practices, and the report is now open to produce companies operating in the U.S. or Canada.
Prepared by expert research firm Industry Insights in partnership with the United Fresh Foundation, this confidential survey measures compensation and benefits for 33 full-time positions within the produce industry. Data will be collected from U.S. and Canadian-based produce companies on a range of positions, including Sales & Marketing, Production & Operations, Quality Control & Assurance, Finance & Accounting and Executives.
The results from the survey will be published later this spring in a detailed research report. The report will allow produce companies to directly compare their salaries and benefits for full-time positions across multiple business sectors, as well as by ownership type (family, private, public), type of business, produce sales volume, number of full-time employees and geography. The new data will also show important shifts since the report was first published two years ago.
“Our economy has changed tremendously since we first launched this survey in 2011,” said Victoria Backer, United Fresh senior vice president of member services, foundation. “This year’s compensation tool will help our members understand the current industry landscape, so they can ensure their competiveness in the marketplace. And with healthcare costs a major factor for produce employers, the data from this survey will provide a deeper understanding about current expenditures and benefit practices.”
The survey is now open at www.unitedfreshsurvey.com to any U.S. or Canadian-based produce industry employers including grower-shippers, brokers, wholesaler-distributors, importers, exporters and fresh-cut processors. The survey will remain open until April 5 and the final research report will be available for purchase at United Fresh 2013, the association’s annual convention and expo, May 14-16 in San Diego.
Companies that participate in submitting data for the survey are eligible to receive a fully-customized report for their company at a deeply discounted rate of $195. Non-survey participants can order a survey report for $495 for United Fresh members and $695 for non-members. For more information on the survey, please contact Victoria Backer at 202-303-3400, ext. 408.
Founded in 1998, the United Fresh Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization committed to meeting the public’s needs for an abundant supply of healthy, safe and affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. The Foundation is dedicated to increasing the availability of fresh fruits and vegetables to children as a critical step in combating childhood obesity and launching a lifetime of healthy choices. To assist industry members in meeting these goals, the Foundation offers educational programs, leadership development, public outreach, and industry training through four different Centers — Center for Leadership Excellence, Center for Nutrition and Health, Center for Food Safety and Quality, and Center for Global Produce Sustainability. For more information, visit www.unitedfresh.org or call 202-303-3400
Source: United Fresh Foundation