Uesugi Farms Gains New Business On Its Food Safety Practices

GILROY—Uesugi Farms, Inc., a grower-packer-shipper based in Gilroy, CA, scored an outstanding grade in its annual NSF Davis Fresh Food Safety Audit.

Uesugi Farms scored a 99.2 percent on its cooling facility and a 98.8 on its packing facility.

“We’re very pleased with the results,” said Pete Aiello, owner and general manager at Uesugi Farms. “We put a lot of time, money and overall resources in making sure our food safety practices are top in the industry. Every day we try to improve and by no means are we resting on these scores.”

Aiello says Uesugi has gained new business on its food safety practices.

“We’re definitely seeing a return on our investment,” Aiello said. “We want to make sure we meet or exceed the expectations of our customers and we’re going to continue moving forward trying to improve on what we’ve already built.

Uesugi Farms, primarily known throughout the industry as a pepper shipper (both bell and chili peppers), also grows napa cabbage, white corn, strawberries and pumpkins. Its customer base is composed of retail, food service, wholesalers and processors.

Uesugi Farms grows and ships from several areas of California and also maintains a winter Mexico program, shipping from Nogales.

Source: Uesugi Farms, Inc.