TikTok Has Fallen Hard for Yet Another Grocery Store Staple

Take the lowly cucumber, so frequently misidentified as a vegetable. (It’s a fruit, though in recipes it’s often prepared like a veggie.) It’s not necessarily underrated among produce, but it’s also not as flavorful as butternut squash, nor does it inspire passionate debate like broccoli or brussel sprouts. It’s the kind of neutral, mild grocery store staple that isn’t screaming for the TikTok trend treatment.

And yet, the cucumber’s day in the digital sun came in early July, when popular home chef Logan Moffitt shared a video of how he uses an entire cucumber. It wasn’t sponsored or backed by a cucumber manufacturer. Moffitt, who already had a sizable following of 3 million prior to his cuke series, just wanted to spotlight one of his favorite foods.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: CNN