INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana — For the third consecutive year, The Produce Mom Family of Partners will collaborate for Twitter events. The partner network of fresh produce growers, shippers, student leadership organizations and educational entities will continue the Twitter Party platform to entice online conversation; however, the themes and purpose of the effort have been redefined.
In a recent blog, The Produce Mom announced 2016 content themes which include sustainability, availability of fresh produce at schools, affordability of fresh produce, and more. Tomorrow night’s Twitter Party will be a celebration of sustainability.
“We are absolutely thrilled about The Produce Mom’s emphasis on sustainability,” explained Seth Karm, Operations Manager of Salad Savoy. “Sustainability is one of our utmost priorities at Salad Savoy. Sustainable farming practices can easily transcend to sustainable living at home.”
Announcing the #SustainableLiving co-hosts:
- California Ag in the Classroom, @LearnAboutAg
- Chelan Fresh, @ChelanFresh
- Josie’s Organics, @JosiesOrganics
- Julie Cates, @Cates_Julie
- Mann Packing, @VeggiesMadeEasy
- Naturipe Farms, @Naturipe
- North Bay Produce, @NorthBayProduce
- Sage Fruit, @SageFruit
- Salad Savoy, @SaladSavoy
- The Produce Mom, @TheProduceMom
“We want to make our social media presence more about industry-serving content and less about sweepstakes and giveaways,” explained Lori Taylor, Founder & Owner of The Produce Mom. “Everything I have learned about sustainability, I’ve learned from The Produce Mom Family of Partners. I would rather organize an effort that echoes the top goals of our industry and risk a smaller reach than capture the masses with a very generic theme. Gone are the days of The Produce Mom’s Q1 Twitter event being #HealthyNewYear.”
The hosts & organizers invite members of the fresh produce industry to participate in the social media discussion. The Twitter party will consist of ten questions focused how to be sustainable at work, at home & at school. The event will start at 9pmEST on Wednesday, February 10, 2016.
The Produce Mom’s sustainability content theme kicked off in January with an Ask The Produce Expert interview and feature of Rod Braga, president & CEO of Braga Fresh Family Farms, growers of Josie’s Organics. Upcoming sustainability-themed blog content includes Naturipe Farms’ Cultivate with Care Program, Sage Fruit’s kid-friendly packaging, sixth-grade teacher Julie Cates’ promotion of fresh produce in the classroom, which earned her the accolade of California Ag in the Classroom’s Teacher of the Year, and more.
Any produce industry Twitter handle interested in receiving an advance copy of the #SustainableLiving Twitter party questions can tweet their request to @TheProduceMom.
About The Produce Mom®
The Produce Mom is a passionate advocacy brand for the fresh produce industry: inspiring families to eat more fruits and vegetables, encouraging schools to offer and promote more fresh produce, introducing consumers to produce brands, and rallying the produce industry to converse with the consumer.
The Produce Mom educates consumers on how to select, store & serve fresh produce through various platforms, including an online recipe directory, blog posts, Produce Mom Picks® initiative in grocery stores, social media, partnerships with fruit and vegetable suppliers, and television appearances. The Produce Mom has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX & NBC news affiliates, as well as The Huffington Post,, and Thrillist.
The Produce Mom’s educational program, Find Your Favorite®, has been supported by the USDA Team Nutrition program & State Department of Education. Through Find Your Favorite, The Produce Mom is glamorizing fresh produce as well as providing educators and food service directors with resources to promote the consumption of fruits & vegetables at school. To learn more please visit
Source: The Produce Mom®