Sun Pacific To Parents: Swap Candy For Cuties This Spring

PASADENA, California – This Easter season, Sun Pacific is encouraging parents to swap candy for Cuties with a social and influencer campaign designed to drive sales during the latter half of citrus season.

The popular fruit brand is partnering with parenting influencers to curate seasonal recipes, DIYs and family-friendly activities that will appear on Cuties Instagram and Facebook pages beginning today. Retailers are encouraged to share the posts, which include ideas on how to create Cuties-themed Easter baskets and gifts and healthy spring snacks.

The campaign comes on the heels of Cuties’ 100 Days of Sunshine, where the brand partnered with iHeart Media and hundreds of popular parenting, food and lifestyle influencers to drive purchase intent and preference. Industry research completed by marketing research firm W5 recently showed that brand preference for Cuties remains the highest in the industry and continues to grow year over year.

“Cuties has had a tremendous season so far, and our marketing efforts are on their way to achieving nearly 500 million impressions across digital, social, radio, OOH and retail events,” said Howard Nager, VP of business development and marketing at Sun Pacific. “We want to keep that momentum going for retailers the remainder of Cuties season with new Easter stickers on the fruit, as well as fun, spring-themed content and ideas that will drive parents to stores in March and early April.”

California Cuties season runs from November through April, with summer Cuties available at select retailers beginning in June. For more information, visit


Founded in 1969, Sun Pacific® is a leading California grower, packer, and shipper of fruit with more than 75 million boxes of the highest quality fresh fruit sold each year. Sun Pacific is the owner of America’s most preferred brand of mandarins, Cuties®, and the largest kiwi fruit grower with the number one kiwi brand in North America, Mighties®. They are also the largest navel orange grower/shipper in California, with exceptional brands such Sun Pacific® California Navel Oranges and Vintage Sweets® and known for outstanding table grapes under Air Chief®. For more information, visit

**Photo Credit: @MyDaintyDarlings >>

Source: Sun Pacific®