Strella, a freshness management company that builds technology to predict produce maturity has announced the launch of its automated quality management platform for retailers.
To date, Strella has worked predominantly with apple and pear suppliers utilizing proprietary sensing technology to predict shelf life and optimize inventory management. For nearly four years, they have worked with the largest US apple and pear suppliers to make maturity-based inventory decisions. They’ve monitored nearly two billion pieces of fruit since 2019.
“There is a lack of data around produce quality that results in unnecessary shrink and worsened customer experience on the store shelf. We use shelf-life data to help retailers make better decisions in their supply chain.” says Katherine Sizov, CEO.
In work with national retailers, Strella’s AQM platform reduced store shrink in apples by 51% and improved quality and consumer experience by 5x, resulting in millions of dollars in bottom and top line improvement.
“Our solution is easy to implement and requires no operational overhead or coatings to dramatically improve the most important element in produce – quality” says Jay Jordan, COO.
Strella’s AQM platform is currently available for apples, pears and bananas.
About Strella:
The USDA’s Economic Research Service estimates roughly 30-40% of US food (80 billion pounds) is wasted every year. Produce is a particularly challenging issue, with 45% of all produce wasted before it ever reaches the consumer. Strella provides actionable data to optimize the fresh produce supply chain.
With proprietary biosensor technology fueled by Internet-of-Things capabilities, Strella offers the produce industry a data-driven approach to ensuring fruit quality throughout every segment of the supply chain, helping to increase margins and reduce shrink by providing actionable and dynamic shelf-life predictions. Headquartered in Seattle, Strella is committed to supporting lower carbon emissions from the fresh produce industry and increasing sustainability for a healthier planet.
For more information, please contact info@strellabiotech.com