Square Watermelons, White Strawberries And Other GMO Misconceptions

As early as this week, the House is expected to vote on a bill that would require most foods containing genetically engineered ingredients to be identified as such. The Senate passed the legislation last week, just a few days after Vermont became the first state to require written labels on foods with genetically modified organisms.

If the House bill were to pass, it would move Americans closer to what they have said they want: more transparency about how the genes of foods they are about to eat have been manipulated. But dispelling confusion over genetically modified organisms, known as G.M.O.s., may be difficult for any labeling program. As lawmakers hash out the details, here are some popular misconceptions.

To start with, those odd-looking square watermelons in the picture above? Their genes weren’t messed with. They were grown in boxes.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: New York Times