The Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA) is encouraging the public to look for CFVGA's colorful produce calendar when shopping at Sprouts Farmers Market, City Markets and King Soopers stores. Produced by CFVGA in cooperation with Colorado Proud, the calendar is designed to provide consumers with an approximate calendar of when Colorado produce is available fresh from local growers' fields and orchards.
"We invested in this produce calendar, so that consumers will know when to look for fresh Colorado fruits and vegetables," said Adrian Card, CFVGA founding board member. "We want Coloradoans to know the wide variety of high quality produce they can buy from growers right here in our own state."
The calendars show the season of typical availability for 44 produce items grown in Colorado. Look for the poster-sized calendars in all Sprouts Farmers Markets and City Market stores throughout the state, as well as in King Soopers stores. Retailers wishing to order poster-size calendars can contact CFVGA.
Consumers and wholesalers seeking particular produce items can use the produce calendar online at to find growers of individual produce items. In addition, consumers can go to and click on a produce item for nutrition information and recipes as well as storage, purchase and safe handling tips.
The CFVGA continues to grow and is now comprised of more than 250 members, including growers of all sizes and types of production throughout the state, as well as representatives of allied industries. The Colorado fruit and vegetable growing sector contributes nearly $300 million to Colorado at the farm gate and is multiplied as it goes through the distribution chain. Over 60,000 Colorado acres are in fruit and vegetable production. For more on CFVGA, visit
Source: The Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association (CFVGA)