Southern Specialties Is Bullish On B.C. Blues

Pompano Beach, Florida – Southern Specialties, Inc. announced July marks the tenth year the company will be shipping blueberries from British Columbia. The berries ship from Abbotsford, B.C. and the company’s Pompano Beach, Florida warehouse.

Southern Selects brand blueberries are available, from this region, July through September and are packed in one pint clamshells with 18 oz. clamshells available, as well. Seasonal varieties include Duke, Blue Crop and Elliots.

“This bountiful Canadian growing region is an excellent source of high quality blueberries that round out our company’s summer berry offerings. Southern Specialties will then transition its blueberry program to Argentina as part of our year round berry supplies,” said Geno Valdes, Vice President of Sales for the company.

Premium blackberries and seasonally available Adelita variety raspberries complement Southern Specialties’ blueberry program. These berries are available under the Southern Selects and other labels.

Southern Specialties is a grower, importer, processor and shipper of a variety of specialty products grown in Central America, South America, Mexico, Canada and the U.S. The company distributes from its Pompano Beach, Florida headquarters, and facilities in McAllen, Texas and Los Angeles, California.  |

Source: Southern Specialties, Inc.