Share Your Thoughts: Identifying A New Approach for Developing and Maintaining Canadian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grade Standards

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is committed to modernizing the approach for developing and maintaining Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable grade standards. Our goal is to support a more efficient model for grades that will facilitate trade, support economic growth, and align with the CFIA’s mandate. The CFIA seeks feedback to inform decisions on selecting a new approach.

How to participate

  1. Read the Discussion paper: Identifying a new approach for developing and maintaining Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable grade standards.
  2. Complete the online questionnaire or send us your feedback through e-mail at

Who is the focus of this consultation

CFIA is seeking comments from:

  • academia
  • consumers
  • consumer associations
  • federal, provincial and territorial government departments
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • industry
  • industry associations
  • international trading partners
  • non-government organizations

Key questions for discussion

  • Of the proposed options to modernize the approach for developing and maintaining Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable grades, which one serves the public interest to the greatest degree?
  • What is the appropriate role of the CFIA in relation to developing and maintaining fresh fruit and vegetable grade standards?
  • Are there any considerations the CFIA should be aware of as it reviews options for transferring development and maintenance of fresh fruit and vegetable grades, in whole or in part, to a third party?
  • Are there any other options or considerations (e.g. other Government of Canada priorities such as sustainability, food waste/food loss, food availability, climate change) that the CFIA should take into account in modernizing the approach for developing and maintaining Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable grade standards?

The input gathered through this process will be used to select a new approach for developing and maintaining Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable grade standards.