Millen, GA – The Southeast Produce Council is pleased to announce this year’s SEPC Member Scholarship recipients. They are proud to award 43 scholarships ($64,500) in 2023 thanks to the dedication of their members.
Scholarships are awarded to applicants who meet the application criteria of having a parent or grandparent who is a corporate member in good standing with the SEPC and has personally attended at least one SEPC event within the last (12) twelve months. Additionally, applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student with a minimum of 12 semester hours. Applicants are then able to submit the necessary paperwork, including an essay, to be reviewed by members of the SEPC Scholarship Committee.
2023 Essay Topic:
Since you are applying for the SEPC Member Scholarship, you already have a connection through your family/our members within the produce industry, and we hope that connection is strengthened in the coming years as you determine your career path(s) and become the changemakers of your generation. Our overarching theme for this year is Inspiring Innovation Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow. Considering the issues of food waste as a major factor in sustainability, here is this year’s topic:
Where have you seen or experienced food waste in your life – farm, grocery, restaurants, school, home, etc.? What are some innovative solutions to reducing or preventing food waste? Do you think even the smallest of ideas can be scaled for a global solution?
SEPC Member Scholarship recipients receive one $1,500 scholarship annually. Past recipients are eligible; however, they must have maintained a 3.0 GPA, and first preference is given to new applicants.
Congratulations to the 43 recipients of the 2023 SEPC Member Scholarship:
Recipient Name | Member Name | Member Company |
Kade Adams | Kerry Adams | Rouses Markets |
Kayelyn Austin | Garry Bergstrom | Southeast Produce Council |
Gary E. Baker | Gary Baker | Merchants Distributors, LLC |
Colton Barton | Jill Barton | Jim Rash Inc |
Austin Belknap | Blake Belknap | Rainier Fruit Company |
Kennedy Belknap | Blake Belknap | Rainier Fruit Company |
Kordelia Bergstrom | Garry Bergstrom | Southeast Produce Council |
Bryan Biederman | Bryan Biederman | Scotlynn Sweet Pac Growers |
Ani Brown | Kohl Brown | Harvest Fresh Partners |
Sebastian Cimino | Jaime Cimino | Always Fresh Farms |
Lillian Davis | Dan Davis | Starr Ranch Growers |
Marco Di Laudo | Dino Di Laudo | Topline Farms |
Tahlia Dilaudo | Dino Dilaudo | Topline Farms |
Conner Edmondson | Tim Edmondson | Edmondson Farms |
Joshua Eubanks | Allen Eubanks | Eubanks Produce Inc. |
Douglas Ford | Kent Ford | Taylor Farms |
Maxwell Fuehrer | Milton Fuehrer | Michigan Fresh Marketing |
Michael Fuehrer | Milton Fuehrer | Michigan Fresh Marketing |
Ellen Hendrix | Kevin Hendrix | Hendrix Produce |
Morgan Jenny | Brian Jenny | B&W Quality Growers |
Lindsey Kastensmidt | Matthew Kastensmidt | Tom Lange, Inc |
Isabella Lott | Sloan Lott | Bland Farms |
Gabrielle Matejowsky | Sarah Matejowsky | Sunkist Grower Inc |
Charlotte Minerva | Michael Minerva | Village Farms |
Kaylee Nelsen | Sean Nelsen | Fowler Packing |
Alexis Olsen | Melissa Olsen | US Foods |
Claire Paivarinta | Harold Paivarinta | Red Sun Farms |
Olin Paivarinta | Harold Paivarinta | Red Sun Farms |
Matheson Parker | Brandon Parker | Shuman Farms |
Haley Pilcher | Alison Pilcher | Coastline Family Farms |
Lowri Richards | Gini Richards | Monterey Mushrooms |
Peyton Rudman | Shawn Rudman | Gulfstream Produce |
Steven Shaw | Tracy Shaw | Healthy Family Project |
Hudson Sherrod | David Sherrod | Southeast Produce Council |
Mason Shuman | Mark Shuman | Shuman Farms |
Brittany St George | Kimberly St George | Dole Food Company |
Riley St George | Kimberly St George | Dole Food Company |
Sophia Tanner | Matthew Tanner | Pacific Trellis Fruit |
Kasey Tipton | Mike Tipton | Schnucks |
Charles White | Johnny White | Shuman Farms |
Avery White | Johnny White | Shuman Farms |
Madison Wing | Rick Estess | RPE |
Kylie Wynne | Jadey Wynne | US Foods |
Thank you to all SEPC Member Scholarship applicants!
Visit SEPC’s website for more information about the SEPC Member Scholarship and others.
About Southeast Produce Council
The Southeast Produce Council (SEPC) sprouted in 1999 when a shared vision for cultivating a nonprofit Southeastern-based produce organization was planted. From the first formal meeting of the SEPC where 100 agriculture, retail, and foodservice professionals gathered, we’ve flourished into a vibrant and innovative organization of over 4,000 industry professionals who reap the benefits of harvesting quality experiences guaranteed to increase the value of their membership. As with farmland, a well-cultivated industry can last for generations, and today, we continue to grow at a steady pace thanks to a broad range of backgrounds and expertise from people like you, creating a more bountiful tomorrow.
Learn the benefits of SEPC membership at seproducecouncil.com.