Cinco De Mayo Celebrations Captured Over 35% of Unit Growth During Second Quarter of 2023
MISSION VIEJO, CA – Spring and summer holidays generated higher avocado unit sales compared to 2022 according to the recently released holiday retail recap report from the Hass Avocado Board (HAB). Easter, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day, and Father’s Day contributed a combined 27.5M incremental avocado units versus the prior year. Avocado volume during Cinco De Mayo grew by 37% vs. the prior year, adding +10.3 million units to the category during the holiday week. The retail recap reported sales volume and retail dollar holiday sales reached 182.7 million units and $194.9 million during the second quarter.

HAB produces quarterly reports about national holiday retail sales performance to provide insightful retail sales information for category managers, marketers, retailers, and industry leaders as they plan their marketing strategy for the upcoming calendar year. The information below offers a brief snapshot of each holiday’s sales, volume, and average sales price information.
Key highlights from the report include:
- Avocado unit sales during Easter rose to 44.4M units, increasing +14% versus 2022. Avocado dollar sales decreased -20% to $47.2M and ASP fell -30% to $1.06/unit during the holiday week.
- The Southeast region drove unit growth, adding +1.1M units to the category followed by the West region which also showed the strongest dollar and unit growth at the per store level.
- Extra Large Avocados (PLU 4770) posted a triple-digit growth rate of +103% compared to the prior year’s sales. Large (PLU 4225) avocados also grew +50.4% and bagged avocados grew +8.2% during the holiday week.
Cinco De Mayo
- Total dollar sales declined -17% during the week to $52.1M. Avocado unit sales rose to 52.2M units, delivering a +24% increase in unit sales versus the prior year.
- All regions contributed double-digit avocado unit growth during the Cinco De Mayo week. Growth rates ranged from +15% in the Great Lakes to +40% in the Southeast.
- Bagged and organic avocados drove a +2.0M unit growth in retail sales. Additionally, Large and Extra-Large avocado volume more than doubled compared to the year prior.
Memorial Day
- Unit sales rose to 43.5M units, up +19% compared to 2022, which resulted in $48.6M in retail sales. Additionally, ASP fell -31% to $1.12/unit.
- On average, retailers saw sales of 1,132 units and $1,265 per store during the week. The West, California, and Southeast regions had the highest per store unit and dollar sales.
- Extra-Large avocados (PLU 4770) grew by +169% during the holiday week contributing +4.4M units to the category.
Father’s Day
- National avocado unit sales reached 42.6M units, up +13% from the prior year, while dollar sales decreased -19% when compared to the prior year.
- The South Central region showed the greatest volume growth during the holiday week, increasing +33% and adding +5.7M units.
- Extra-Large (PLU 4770), Large (PLU 4225), and Bagged avocado units grew by double digits compared to the prior year, adding a combined +6.0M units to the category versus 2022.
HAB releases a holiday recap each quarter, covering avocado sales trends for key avocado holidays and events. In each holiday report, users can view year-over-year sales performance for each holiday week. Each report details sales trends for dollar sales, units, and average selling price, which provides insightful information for planning future holiday promotions. For more information about avocado sales for each holiday, visit hassavocadoboard.com.
About The Hass Avocado Board
The Hass Avocado Board (HAB) exists to help make avocados America’s most popular fruit. HAB is the only avocado organization that equips the entire global industry for success by collecting, focusing and distributing investments to maintain and expand demand for avocados in the United States. HAB provides the industry with consolidated supply and market data, conducts nutrition research, educates health professionals, and brings people together from all corners of the industry to collectively work towards growth that benefits everyone. The organization also collects and reallocates funds to California and importer associations to benefit specific countries of origin in promoting their avocado brands to customers and consumers across the United States.