RAAW Beverages Introduces Veggie Line

Coconut Grove, FL – March 09, 2010: In an age where fast food overshadows family dinner, Raw Foods International is taking a very different approach by focusing on developing and selling high quality vegetable fruit juices. The company will launch its proprietary beverage line It Tastes RAAW – at the BevNet Supply Expo in Anaheim, Calif. The Supply Expo takes place from March 12 to 14 and will feature new technologies, applications in the beverage industry, new cutting-edge ingredients, and fresh service outlooks and applications.

Each refreshing juice is uniquely designed to contribute to your overall health and wellness. This type of beverage is so relevant in todays society because there is such a lack of wholesome beverage products on the market, says Ellie Wizzard, Co-Founder of Raw Foods International. It Tastes RAAW essentially takes the juicer out of the mix and offers a fresh product, requiring no effort from the consumer, aside from enjoying their juice experience while on the run or at home.

With juice bars and smoothie shops popping up at an increased rate all over the world, it is evident that the juice trend is taking over. People are turning to fruit and vegetable juices for nutritional benefits, but also because it makes them feel healthier, says Wizzard. That is why we are so excited to launch our beverages and provide consumers with an easy and quick option at a lower price point.

It Tastes RAAW contains products with no added sugar or preservatives and is packed with vital nutrients not meant to sustain hunger, but to keep your body balanced throughout the day. It Tastes RAAWs mission is to offer consumers beverages that compliment meals and offer wholesome alternatives, that awaken your taste buds and refresh your palate, says Wizzard.

It Tastes RAAW offers four striking flavors, designed to provide nutritional benefits for your health and a satisfying taste for consumers. All juices are flash pasteurized to meet FDA regulations and include the following four flavors:

Better Beets This flavorfully fascinating beverage offers a unique blend of beet and fruit juices, providing a bold flavor and smooth taste. Red beets are known around the world as a super food and the antioxidant properties are believed to boost the immune system and contribute to overall health and longevity in life. Red beets contain the finest quality iron necessary to build red blood cells, are low in fat and an excellent source of folic acid, which is said to protect again some forms of cancer and heart disease.

Cranberry Ginger This beverage embodies the perfect marriage of both sweet and spicy, packing a punch for your taste buds. Cranberries are among the top foods with proven health benefits, full of antioxidants and minerals such as potassium and magnesium, and are useful in the fight against urinary tract infections, ulcers, heart disease and dental decay. Ginger has also long been renowned for the many potential health benefits, such as curing nausea and helping with digestion.

Carrot Lemonade This well balanced and vibrant juice provides a tangy blend of carrot and fruit juices to quench your thirst and refresh your palate. Carrot Lemonade is the ideal juice choice for all members of the family, perfect for children and adults. Carrots are a gold mine of nutrients and their juice is frequently referred to as miracle juice. Countless people throughout the world hold carrot juice in high regard because of the essential enzymes, vitamins and minerals it contains. Carrot Juice is said to improve vision and also prevent illness.

Cucumber Pineapple This unusually fantastic beverage sets the stage for surprise. The soft taste of cucumber combined with the sweet and exotic taste of pineapple is the perfect energizer for any mood and satisfies thirst perfectly. Cucumbers belong in the same family as melon, zucchini, pumpkin and squash. Similar to watermelon, cucumbers are composed of mostly water, low in calories and packed with nutrients. Our Cucumber Pineapple juice’s high water content helps keep the body hydrated and helps to cleanse the body of harmful wastes and toxins.

Source: Beckerman