Produce Marketing Strategies Course Available

DAVIS, CA (March 2, 2010) The UC Davis Postharvest Center announced that its second annual Fresh Produce Marketing Strategies Short Course will take place at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco May 5-7, 2010.

Dr. Roberta Cook, a Cooperative Extension Marketing Economist in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at University of California, Davis, developed this successful program specifically to meet the needs of fresh produce industry managers and executives interested in improving their ability to develop and execute innovative marketing strategies.

Dr. Cook currently conducts an applied research and industry outreach program focusing on the marketing and international trade of fresh fruits and vegetables, including studies on international competitiveness, and trends in consumer demand and food distribution. Her short course will help you enhance your ability to assess emerging marketplace complexities and adapt your firm’s marketing tactics and strategies to current market realities. The program will include case studies and practical hands-on examples presented by both UC Davis agricultural economists and fresh produce industry marketing leaders, including:

Kirk Cornell, Senior Director, The Hartman Group

Don Goodwin, President, Golden Sun Marketing

Bruce Knobeloch, Chief Operating Officer, River Ranch Fresh Foods, LLC

Phil Lempert, CEO, Consumer Insight, Inc., and editor of and the Lempert Report

Steve Lutz, Executive Vice President, Perishables Group

Richard Sexton, Ph.D., Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis

Terry Slone, President, TSlone Consulting

Dean Small, Founder and Managing Partner, Synergy Consulting Group

Paul Weitzel, Managing Partner, Willard Bishop

One hundred percent of last years attendees thought the course was valuable and would recommend it:

I found the course to be invaluable and a must attend event.
A great assortment of speakers who offered incredible information.
I want to thank you and congratulate you for the excellent course you offered. I must say that it passed my expectations!

Dr. Cook put together a top notch course of timely and relevant information with speakers who are leaders in their field in the food industry. The value is clear for the perspective gained from hearing the various issues in segments.
Great balance between theory and real world experience.
You must do this course again!

You may register for this and other upcoming educational outreach activities sponsored by the Postharvest Technology Center via their website at or by contacting Ms. Penny Stockdale, registration coordinator, at (530) 752-7672 or

Source: UC Davis Postharvest Center