CHARLOTTETOWN, PE – The 2024 PEI Potato Industry Awards Banquet was held in Charlottetown and two very deserving members of the potato industry were recognized at the event.
Kevin McKenna was posthumously recognized for his unwavering forty-year commitment to the PEI Potato industry. Kevin joined his father and uncle’s packing and shipping business in 1983. Kevin’s prime responsibility from the time he joined McKenna Brothers, was to develop and expand markets as he focused mostly on the export side of the business. He was instrumental in expanding markets for PEI potatoes in Venezuela, Trinidad and Central America. He made frequent trips to those countries – to grow and strengthen the business prospects but often, to problem solve and mitigate issues at the ports. He put considerable time into fostering lifelong relationships with growers and customers. Many of these customers or their family members are still involved with McKenna Brothers 40 years later. This deserving award was presented to Kevin’s wife Linda and their children Nolan and Cailtlin.
Joanne Driscoll was also presented with an award for her long-term involvement with agriculture, notably her contributions to the PEI Potato producers. Joanne has spearheaded essential research initiatives, addressed critical challenges. Her expertise has been essential for Island producers adhering to CanadaGAP food safety protocols, and her years of service on the technical advisory committee reflect her deep understanding of farm operations. Having someone that truly understands the needs of farmers as well as the agricultural industry as a whole and someone who eagerly represents these perspectives around multiple tables is commendable. Her advocacy for producers across Canada is valued.
The PEI Potato Board and industry congratulates all recipients of these prestigious awards and expresses thanks to everyone for their tremendous contributions to this vital Island industry.
Prince Edward Island Potatoes are world renowned for the great taste and quality that comes from growing in the unique red soil of PEI. The potato industry in PEI creates a total economic impact of $1.35 billion dollars and directly or indirectly employs over 8% of the Island workforce. The Prince Edward Island Potato Board is a producer-controlled association dedicated to supporting the highest performance of an economically and environmentally sustainable potato industry.