Santa Maria, CA – Primus Auditing Operations would like to congratulate Hortifrut Peru S.A.C. for their blueberry farm operation in Trujillo, Peru for becoming the first certified operation against the Sustainability Standard scheme. Hortifrut Peru S.A.C. achieved gold level certification.
The Sustainability Standard covers 16 categories recognizing best practices, performance metrics, and continuous improvement. The Standard provides automatic credit for producers participating in other programs including the National Organic Program, Sysco’s Sustainable/Integrated Pest Management Initiative, the Potato Sustainability Initiative, LEAF Marque, and Whole Foods Market Responsibly Grown.
Primus Auditing Ops is proud to be the only certification body to offer the Sustainability Standard. For more information or if you would like to schedule an audit, please contact
customerrelations@primusauditingops.com or call 805-623-5563.